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Aarne, Anti and Tompson Stith
The Types of the Folktale

Helsinki, 1973 (FFC, № 84)


"Bear-food." The fox helps the man; his reward. He converses with his members.

I. The man in anger calls his horse "bear-food". The bear comes and threatens to eat the horse. [C25].

II. A fox agrees to help the man in return for geese. The fox goes into the woods, imitates the barking of dogs. The bear is intimidated, betrayed, and killed.

III. The man goes for the geese but instead brings dogs back in his bag [K235]. The dogs chase the fox to his hole.

IV. Here the fox asks his feet, eyes, ears, and tail how they have helped him in his flight. His tail admits that it did not help. He sticks out his tail, which is attacked by dogs. [J2351.1].

**Krohn Mann und Fuchs 22; *BPI 518 n. 1, III 361f.; Gerber 56 No. 9, 57 Nos. 10, 11; Coffin2; Espinosa III 310ff. - Finnish 78; Finnish-Swedish 4; Estonian 30; Livonian 2; Latvian 35; Lithuanian29; Lappish 3; Swedish 4 (Uppsala 2, Goteborg 1, misc. 1); Norwegian 6; Spanish: Espinosa 23; Catalan: Amades No. 271, cf. 323; German (155') 22;Rumanian 4; Hungarian 3 (+ [Kovacs 54*] 3); Slovenian 5; Serbocroatian 2; Polish 2; Russian: Afanasiev 10; Greek 8, Loukatos No. 13;Turkish: Eberhard-Boratav Nos. 1 IV, V, 39, 40, 48 IV. - Spanish-American: Rael No. 370 (U.S.), Hansen (Argentina) 1, (Chile) 2, (Puerto Rico) 1; Portuguese-American (Brazil): Camara Cascudo p. 129; American Indian (Tepoztlan-Mexican): Boas JAFL XXV 257 No. 2. - African 6. - Literary Treatment: Disciplina Clericalis No. 24; Aesop (Hervieux II 205f.). References for 154 IV only: Lappish (5*) 1; Spanish (135C*) 1; Walloon (79*) 1; Rumanian (54III) 2; Hungarian: Berze-Nagy (63*) 1; Russian (154 I) 10.