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Aarne, Anti and Tompson Stith
The Types of the Folktale

Helsinki, 1973 (FFC, № 84)


The Gelding of the Bear and the Fetching of Salve. The man tells the bear that the horse is strong because he is gelded. The bear has the man geld him to make him strong. He is to geld the man the next day. The man substitutes his wife and sends her with salve; the bear in disgust throws the salve into the tree. Cf. Type 1133.

Motifs: К1012.1. Making the dupe strong - by castration. K241. The castrarion bargain: wife sent.

*BPIII 633. - Finnish 93; Finnish-Swedish 2; Estonian 10; Livonian 2; Latvian 3; Lappish 2; Swedish 8 (Uppsala 1, Goteborg 7); Norwegian 8; Danish: Kristensen Danske Sagn I (1892) 441, (1928) 276-81; German 24 (Archive 23, Meckl. No. 19); Hungarian 3; Serbocroatian 1, cf. 1; Polish 1; Russian: Andrejev.