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Aarne, Anti and Tompson Stith
The Types of the Folktale

Helsinki, 1973 (FFC, № 84)


The Wolf (Fox) Seeks Breakfast. He threatens to eat various animals (the hog, the sheep, the horse, etc.). At their request he waits till the passport has been examined, the children have been baptized, and the like. He loses his feast. Cf. Type 227.

Motifs: K551. Respite from death granted until particular act is performed. K551.1. Respite from death granted until prayer is finished. K551.3.4. Wild boar given permission to squeal before wolf eats him up. Rescue arrives. K551.8. Wolf kept at door until children have been christened. K562.1. Captive trickster persuades captor to pray before eating.

*BPII 207 (Grimm No. 86); Wesselski Marchen 250 No. 58; Beckwith MAFLS XVII 240. - Estonian (227A) 1; Latvian 3; Lithuanian5; Swedish 28 (Uppsala 6, Stockholm 1, Goteborg 6, Lund 3); Danish 15; French (122D) 7; Spanish 12; Catalan: Amades Nos. 272, 299; Italian 5 (Sicilian 3); Serbocroatian 2; Turkish: Eberhard-Boratav No. 11 V, 13 V, Anlage С 4, С 5. - Spanish-American: Hansen (Puerto Rico) 2; American Negro (Michigan): Dorson No. 3.