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Aarne, Anti and Tompson Stith
The Types of the Folktale

Helsinki, 1973 (FFC, № 84)


Peace among the Animals - the Fox and the Cock. The fox tries to beguile the cock by reporting a new law establishing peace among the animals. Dogs appear and the fox flees saying that the dogs have not yet heard of the new law. [J1421].

**Lancaster "The Peace Fable" PMLA XXII 33; Coffin3; Espinosa III 321 No. 225; *BPII 207 (Grimm No. 86). ? Finnish 3; Estonian 2; Livonian 1; Latvian 13; Norwegian 1; Danish 1; Irish 23; French 4; Spanish 36 (Espinosa); Catalan: Amades No. 322, cf. 311; German 6 (Archive 5, Meckl. No. 10); Slovenian 6; Serbocroatian 2; Polish 2; Russian: Afanasiev 2; Greek 2, Loukatos Nos. 9, 16; Turkish: Eberhard-Boratav No. 2 2; India 2. - Franco-American 2; Spanish-American: Rael No. 370 (U.S.); American Indian: Thompson С Coll II 450. - African 4. - Literary Treatment: Halm Aesop No. 225; Jacobs Aesop 214 No. 59; Graf FFC XXXVIII 26ff.; Wienert FFC LVI 52, 98.