Friday, October 8, 4:00 pm, Red Gym:
A Free and Public Lecture "My Career as a Specialist in Pushkin" by J. Thomas Shaw, Professor Emeritus of Slavic Languages and Literatures, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Saturday, October 9, 1:00-5:00 pm, Pyle Center, 702 Langdon Street:

1-1:15 Coffee and Tea

1:15-2:15 Cognitive Approaches to Slavic Literatures
Chair: Wendy S. Johnson, UW-Madison
Sec: Alexandra Walter, UW-Madison

Metaphorical Coherence in Zamyatin's We, Shannon Donnally, UW-Madison
The Interior Life of Freedom: The Semantics of volja in Pushkin's Poetry, David Polet, UW-Madison
Metaphors for Love in the Poetry of Bulat Okudzhava and Veronika Dolina, Anna Tumarkin, UW-Madison

2:20-3:30 19th Century Russian Literature
Chair: Anke Ziolkowska, UW-Madison
Sec: Michelle Hartner-Abaza, UW-Madison

Prince Myshkin as Castrated, Symbolically and Literally, Rufus Johnson, UW-Madison
Topic To Be Announced, Gary Rosenshield, UW-Madison
Rewriting Bach: Absolute Music versus the Voice in Odoevskii's 'Sebastian Bakh', Alexandra Walter, UW-Madison

3:30-3:45 Break

3:45-5:00 20th Century Russian Literature and Film
Chair: Anna Tumarkin, UW-Madison
Sec: Cynthia Ramsey, UW-Madison

'Happenings': Daniil Kharms and the Absurdist Poetics of 'Life-Transformation', Ann Komaromi, UW-Madison
Vsevolod Pudovkin's Mother: Translating Gorky's Book into a Leninist Account of 1905, Panayiota Mini, UW-Madison
The Genre of anekdot: Structure, Function, and Context, David Vernikov, UW-Madison
Andrei Belyi's Journey to Africa as Quest for Cultural Identity, Gwen Walker, UW-Madison

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