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Aarne, Anti and Tompson Stith
The Types of the Folktale

Helsinki, 1973 (FFC, № 84)


Geese Ask for Respite1or Prayer before the fox eats them. They cackle continuously and finally escape. [K551.1]. Cf. Types 6, 122.

*BPII 206 (Grimm No. 86). - Livonian (227A) 2; Latvian 13; Swedish 2 (Uppsala 1, Lund 1); Irish 2; French 9; German 28 (Archive 27, Merk. p. 334); Slovenian; Serbocroatian 2; Russian: Andrejev; Greek 1, Loukatos Nos. 15, 16; India 1. - West Indies (Negro) 1.