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Aarne, Anti and Tompson Stith
The Types of the Folktale

Helsinki, 1973 (FFC, № 84)


The Animals in Night Quarters (Bremen City Musicians). They drive away an intruder. [К1161]. Cf. Type 210.

Motifs: B296. Animals go a-journeying. N776. Light seen from tree lodging place by night leads to adventures. K335.1.4. Animals climb on one another's backs and cry out; frighten robbers. K1161. Animals hidden in various parts of a house attack owner with their characteristic powers and kill him when he enters.

**Aarne Die Tiere auf der Wanderschaft (FFC XI); *BPI 237 (Grimm No. 27); *Beckwith MAFLS XVII 260 No. 58; Coffin8; Parsons MAFLS XV (1) 187n. 1. - Livonian 1; Lappish 8; Swedish 46 (Uppsala 14, Stockholm 3, Goteborg 9, Lund 2, Liungman 2, misc. 16), Norwegian 15; Danish 46; Scottish 1; Irish 63, BealXI 83f. No. 37, XVII 204; French 45, Spanish 3; Catalan: Amades No. 301; Dutch 4; Flemish 10, Witteryck p. 295 15; Walloon (130D, 130E) 2; German 49 (Archive 48, Henssen Jul 437b); Italian: Crane No. 88 (Tuscan 1, Sicilian 2); Rumanian 3; Slovenian 9; Serbocroatian 15, (Istrian) No. 2; Polish 3; Russian: Afanasiev 11; Greek 4, Loukatos No. 7; Turkish: Eberhard-Boratav No. 11 5; India 1; Chinese: Eberhard FFC CXX No. 3, CXXVIII Nos. 2, 7; Japanese: Ikeda, Anesaki 331; Franco-American 12; English-American: Baughman 8; Spanish-American: Hansen (Puerto Rico) 5, Rael Nos. 361-366 (U.S.); West Indies (Negro) 1; American Negro: Dorson No. 152. - African 1.