Елена Котляр

Указатель африканских мифологических сюжетов и мотивов


Список мотивов
Этносы и география




Аверинцев 1967 – Аверинцев С.С. Мифы // Краткая литературная энциклопедия. Т.4. М., 1967.
Амхарские 1979 – Амхарские народные сказки. М., 1979.
Ангола 1975 – Сказки народов Анголы. М., 1975.
Богатырев 1971 – Богатырев П.Г. Вопросы теории народного искусства. М., 1971.
Брук 1986 – Брук С.И. Население мира. Этнодемографический справочник. М.,1986.
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Котляр 1975 – Котляр Е.С. Миф и сказка Африки. М., 1975.
Мампруси 1966 – Сказки мампруси. М., 1966.
Материалы 1984 – Африканская сказка. I. Материалы к исследованию языка фольклора. М., 1984.
Мелетинский 1958 – Мелетинский Е.М. Герой волшебной сказки. Происхождение образа. М.,1958.
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Мифы 1983 – Мифы и сказки бушменов. М., 1983.
Мокеле 1973 – Как храбрый Мокеле добыл для людей солнце. М., 1973.
Народы 1988 – Народы мира. Историко-этнографический справочник. М.,1988.
Пропп 1969 – Пропп В.Я. Морфология сказки. М.,1969.
Путилов 1976 – Путилов Б.Н. Методология сравнительно-исторического изучения фольклора. Л., 1976.
Сказки 1959 – Сказки народов Африки. М.-Л., 1959.
Сказки 1976 – Сказки народов Африки. М., 1976.
Снегирев 1937 – [Снегирев И.Л.] Сказки зулу. Izinganekwane. Вступит. статья, перевод и примечания И.Л.Снегирева. М.-Л., 1937.
Фробениус б/г – Фробениус Л. Детство человечества. Пер. с нем. С.Д.Чулока. Изд. книжного магазина П.В.Луковникова. СПб., б/г.
Харузина 1919 – Харузина В.Н. Африканские сказки. М., 1919.
Хауса 1964 – Сказки, притчи, легенды хауса. М., 1964.
Химмельхебер 1960 – [Химмельхебер Г.] Аура Поку. Мифы, сказки, легенды, басни, пословицы и загадки народа бауле. Собраны д-ром Г.Химмельхебером в этнограф. экспедиции на Берег Слоновой Кости. М., 1960.
Эфиопия 1960 – Золотая земля. Сказки, легенды, пословицы, поговорки Эфиопии. М., 1960.
Язык 1997 – Язык африканского фольклора. Африканская сказка. II. М., 1997.
Abrahamsson 1951 – Abrahamsson H. The Origin of Death. Studies in African Mythology. Uppsala, 1951 (Studia ethnographica upsaliensia, III).
Adams 1902 – Adams P.A.-G. Lindi und sein Hinterland. Berlin, 1902.
Basset 1903 – Basset R. Contes populaires d’Afrique. Paris, 1903.
Bastian 1873 – Bastian A. Geographische und ethnologische Bilder. Jena, 1873.
Baumann 1936 – Baumann H. Schopfung und Urzeit des Menschen im Mythus der afrikanischen Volker. Berlin, 1936.
Biebuyck 1970 – Biebuyck D.P. et Mateene Kahombo C. Anthologie de la litterature orale Nyanga. Bruxelles, 1970.
Biesele 1975 – Biesele Megan. [Selection from] “Folklore and Ritual of !Kung Hunter-Gatherers”, diss. Vol. II. Harvard University, the Department of Anthropology, 1975.
Bleek 1927 – Bleek D. Bushmanner von Angola // Archiv fur Anthropologie. Bd 21. N.F. 1927.
Bleek 1928 – Bleek D. F. Bushmen of Central Angola // Bantu Studies. Johannesburg, 1928. Bd 3, № 2.
Bleek 1935 – Bleek D.F. !Kung Mythology // Zeitschrift fur Eingeborenen-Sprachen. Berlin, 1935. Bd 25, H. 4.
Bleek 1852 – Bleek W.H.J. Zulu Legends. Pretoria, 1852.
Bleek 1864 – Bleek W.H.J. Reynard the Fox in South Africa or Hottentot Fables and Tales. London, 1864.
Bleek 1875 – Bleek W.H.J. A Brief Account of Bushman Folk-Lore and other Texts. Cape Town–London–Leipsic, 1875.
Bleek–Lloyd 1911 – Bleek W.H.J. and Lloyd L.C. Specimens of Bushman Folklore. London, 1911.
Bleek–Lloyd–Bleek 1923 – The Mantis and his Friends. Bushman Folklore. Collect. by W.H.I.Bleek and Lucy C.Lloyd. Ed. by D.F.Bleek. Cape Town [1923].
Bullock 1927 – Bullock Ch. The Mashona. Capetown, 1927.
Bulsa 1993 – Bulsa Sunsuelima: Folktales of the Bulsa in Northern Ghana. Part I. Ed. by R.Schott. Munster, Hamburg, 1993.
Bulsa 1996 – Bulsa Sunsuelima: Folktales of the Bulsa in Northern Ghana. Volume 1: Tales of the Sky-God (Wen, Naawen). Part II-III. Ed. By R.Schott. Munster, 1996.
Callaway 1868 – Callaway H. The Religious System of the Amazulu. Natal, 1868.
Cardinall 1931 – Cardinall A.W. Tales told in Togoland. London, 1931.
Casalis 1859 – Casalis E. Les Bassoutos. Paris, 1859.
Cayzac 1910 – Cayzac P.P. La Religion des Kikuyu (Afrique Orientale) // Anthropos. Wien, 1910. Bd 5, H. 2,3.
Chatelain 1894 – [Chatelain Heli]. Folk Tales of Angola. Fifty Tales, with Ki-mbundu Text Literal English Translation, Introduction and Notes. Boston–New York, 1894.
Courlander 1963 – Courlander Harold. The King’s Drum and other African Stories. London, 1963.
Courlander 1975 – Courlander Harold. A Treasury of African Folklore. New York, 1975.
Dannholz 1916 – Dannholz J.J. Im Banne des Geisterglaubens. Leipzig, 1916.
Dayrell 1910 – Dayrell E. Folk Stories from Southern Nigeria, West Africa. London, 1910.
Decle 1900 – Decle L. Three Years in Savage Africa. London, 1900.
Dieterlen 1941 – Dieterlen G. Les ames des Dogons. Paris, 1941.
Dieterlen 1951 – Dieterlen G. Essai sur la religion Bambara. Paris, 1951.
Doke 1937 – Doke C.M. The Lambas of Northern Rhodesia. London, 1937.
Dornan 1925 – Dornan S.S. Pygmies and Bushmen of Kalahari. London, 1925.
Dundas 1924 – Dundas Ch. Kilimanjaro and its People. London, 1924.
Ellenberger 1953 – Ellenberger V. La fin tragique des Bushmen. Paris, 1953.
Ellis 1894 – Ellis A.B. The Yoruba-speaking Peoples. London, 1894.
Fauconnet 1959 – Fauconnet M. Mythology of Black Africa // New Larousse Encyclopedia of Mythology. Paris, 1959.
Feldmann 1963 – Feldmann S. African Mythes and Tales. New York, 1963.
Forde 1951 – Forde D. The Yoruba-speaking Peoples of South-West Africa. London, 1951.
Frobenius 1928 – Frobenius L. Atlantis. Volksmarchen und Volksdichtungen Afrikas. Bd 12. Jena, 1928.
Frobenius 1931 – Frobenius L. Erythraa. Lander und Zeiten des heiligen Konigsmordes. Berlin, Zurich, 1931.
Ganay 1941 – Ganay de S. Les devises des Dogons. Paris, 1941.
Gorju 1920 – Gorju J. Entre le Victoria, l’Albert et l’Edouard. Rennes, 1920.
Gowlett 1971 – Gowlett D.F. A Selection of Lozi Folktales and Riddles // African Studies, Johannesburg, 1971. № 30, part 1.
Greenberg 1963 – Greenberg J. The Languages of Africa // International Journal of American Linguistics. Indiana University Press. 1963. Vol. 29, № 1.
Griaule 1938 – Griaule M. Masques Dogons. Paris, 1938.
Griaule 1965 – Griaule M. Conversations with Ogotemmeli. London, 1965.
Guenther 1989 – Guenther Mathias. Bushman Folktales. Oral Traditions of the Nharo of Botswana and the /Xam of the Cape. Stuttgart, 1989.
Gutmann 1909 – Gutmann B. Dichten und Denken der Dschagganeger. Leipzig, 1909.
Gutmann 1965 – Gutmann B. Chagga Folk-Lore. Kilimanjaro // Tanganyika Notes and Records. Dar es Salaam, 1965. № 64. March.
Hahn 1881 – Hahn T. Tsuni // Goam, the Supreme Being of the Khoi-Khoi, London, 1881.
Hall–Neal 1906 – Hall R.N. and Neal W.G. The Ancient Ruins of Rhodesia (Monomotopae imperium). London, 1906.
Hazoume 1937 – Hazoume P. Le Pacte de Sang au Dahomey. Paris, 1937.
Herskovits 1938 – Herskovits M.J. Dahomey. An Ancient West African Kingdom. Vol. II. New York, 1938.
Herskovits 1958 – Herskovits M.J. and F.S. Dahomean Narrative. Evanston, 1958.
Hobley 1922 – Hobley Ch.W. Bantu Beliefs and Magic. London, 1922.
Hoffman 1929 – Hoffman C. Jungle Gods. London, 1929.
Hollis 1905 – Hollis A. The Masai, their Language and Folklore. Oxford, 1905.
Hunter 1936 – Hunter M. Reaction to Conquest. London, 1936.
Hurel 1922 – Hurel E. La poesie chez les primitifs, ou contes, fables, recits et proverbes du Ruanda (Lac Kivu). Bruxelles, 1922.
Irle 1906 – Irle I. Die Herero. Gutersloh, 1906.
Jacottet 1901 – Jacottet E. Etudes sur les langues du Haut-Zambeze. 3-e partie. Paris, 1901.
Jalla 1928 – Jalla L. Sur les rives du Zambeze. Notes ethnographiques. Paris, 1928.
Janssens 1926 – Janssens P.A. Het Ontstaan der Dingen in de Folklore der Bantu’s // Anthropos. Freiburg, 1926. Bd XXI, H. 3-4.
Jeannest 1883 – Jeannest Ch. Quatre annees au Congo. Paris, 1883.
Junod 1927 – Junod H.A. The Life of a South-African Tribe. II. London, 1927.
Kagwa 1958 – Kagwa Apolo. Engero za Baganda. London, 1958.
Kalunga 1986 – Der Streit mit Kalunga. Marchen aus Angola. Leipzig–Weimar, 1986 [Marchen Afrikanischen Volker].
Kenyatta 1962 – Kenyatta J. Facing Mount Kenya. The Tribal Life of the Gikuyu. New York, 1962.
Kohl-Larsen 1956 – [Kohl-Larsen Ludwig] Das Elefantenspiel. Mythen, Riesen- und Stammes-sagen. Folkserzahlungen der Tindiga [Hrsg. von Prof. Dr. Ludwig Kohl-Larsen]. Eisenach – Kassel [1956].
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Larrea 1955 – Larrea Palacin, Arcadio de y Gonzalez Erchegaray, Carlos. Leyendas y cuentons bujedas de la Guinea Espanola. Madrid, 1955.
Lebzelter 1934 – Lebzelter V. Eingeborenenkulturen in Sudwest- und Sudafrika. Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse einer Forschungsreise nach Sud- und Sud-westafrika in den Jahren 1926-1928. Leipzig, 1934.
Levi-Strauss 1967 – Levi-Strauss Cl. Structural Anthropology. New York, 1967.
Lindblom 1916 – Lindblom G. The Akamba. Uppsala, 1916.
Lindblom 1920 – Lindblom G. The Akamba in British East Africa. An Ethnological Monograph. Uppsala, 1920.
Lindblom 1935 – Lindblom G. Kamba Tales of Supernatural Beings and Adventures. II, Lund, 1935.
Lubambula 1948 – Lubambula Y.B. A Ganda Poem // Africa, London, 1948. Vol. 18.
Maes 1933 – Maes J. L’allume-feu des populations du Congo Belge // Congo. T. II. 1933.
Maingard 1879 – Maingard L.F. Koranna Folktales. Grammar and Texts. Johannesburg, 1879.
Markowitz 1956 – Markowitz Arthur. With uplifted Tongue. Stories, Myths and Fables of the South African Bushmen. Johannesburg, 1956.
Maugham 1910 – Maugham R. Zambezia. London, 1910.
Maugham 1929 – Maugham R. Africa as I have known it. London, 1929.
Meinhof 1911 – Meinhof C. Die Dichtung der Afrikaner. Hamborgische Vortrage. Berlin, 1911.
Melland 1923 – Melland F.H. In Witchbound Africa. An Account of the Primitive Kaonde Tribe and their Beliefs. London, 1923.
Moffat 1842 – Moffat R. Missionary Labours and Scenes in Southern Africa. London, 1842.
Morton-Williams 1962 – Morton-Williams P. An Outline of the Religion and Cult Organization of the Oyo Yoruba // First International Congres of africanists, 11th – 18th Dec.1962. University of Ghana, Accra.
Nassau 1912 – Nassau R.H. Where animals talk. New York, 1912.
Native 1928 – The Native Tribes of South West Africa. Cape Town, 1928.
Orpen 1919 – Orpen J.M. Folklore of the Bushmen // Folk-Lore Journal. Cape Town, 1919. Vol. 30, № 2.
Pechuel-Loesche 1907 – Pechuel-Loesche E. Folkskunde von Loango. Stuttgart, 1907.
Pettersson 1963 – Pettersson O. Chiefs and Gods. Religious and Social Elements in the South Eastern Bantu Kingship. Lund, 1963.
Radin 1953 – Radin P. African Folktales and Sculpture. New York, 1953.
Roscoe 1911 – Roscoe J. The Baganda. An Account of their Native Customs and Beliefs. London, 1911.
Roscoe 1921 – Roscoe J. Twenty Five Years in East Africa. Cambridge, 1921.
Roscoe 1923 – Roscoe J. The Bakitara or Banyoro. Cambridge, 1923.
Routledge 1910 – Routledge W.S. and K. With a Prehistoric People. The Akikuyu of British East Africa. London, 1910.
Schapera 1930 – Schapera I. The Khoisan Peoples of South Africa. Bushmen and Hottentots. London, 1930.
Schebesta 1936 – Schebesta P. Der Urwald ruft wieder. Leipzig, 1936.
Schmidt 1971 – Schmidt S. Das Erdloch von Aneip. Aus der Mythologie der alten Hottentotten // S.W.A. Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft. XXV. Windhoek, S.W.A., 1971.
Schmidt 1980 – [Schmidt S.]. Marchen aus Namibia. Dusseldorf–Koln, 1980.
Schmidt 1998 – Schmidt S. Mythical Snakes in Namibia // The Proceedings of the «Khoisan Identities and Cultural Heritage Conference» org. by the Institute for Historical Research, Univ. of the Western Cape. 12–16 July 1997. Cape Town, 1998.
Schmidt 2001 – Schmidt S. Tricksters, Monsters and Clever Girls: African Folktales; texts and discussions. Koln, 2001.
Seligman 1932 – Seligman C.G. Pagan Tribes of the Nilotic Sudan. London, 1932.
Sicard 1952 – Sicard von H. Ngoma Lungundu. Eine afrikanische Bundeslade. Upsala, 1952.
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Smith 1950 – Smith E.W. African Ideas of God. London, 1950.
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Speke 1863 – Speke J.H. Journal of the Discovery of the Source of the Nile. London, 1863.
Stanley 1878 – Stanley H.M. Through the Dark Continent. Vol. 1-2. London, 1878.
Stayt 1931 – Stayt H.A. The Bavenda. London, 1931.
Stow 1905 – Stow G.W. The Native Races of South Africa. A History of the Intrusion of the Hottentots and Bantu into the Hunting Grounds of the Bushmen, the Aborigines of the Country. London, 1905.
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Talbot 1912 – Talbot P.A. In the Shadow of the Bush. London, 1912.
Talbot 1926 – Talbot P.A. The Peoples of Southern Nigeria. Vol. I,II,III. London, 1926.
Tauxier 1917 – Tauxier L. Le Noir du Yatenga. Paris, 1917.
Tegnaeus 1950 – Tegnaeus H. Le heros civilisateur. Contribution a l’etude ethnologique de la religion et la sociologie africaines. Stockholm, 1950.
Tessmann 1912 – Tessmann G. Die Pangwe. Berlin, 1912.
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Thomas 1950 – Thomas E.W. Bushman Stories. Cape Town–London–New York, 1950.
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Torday 1911 – Torday E. and Joice T.A. Notes ethnographiques sur les peuples commement appeles Bakuba, ainsi que sur les peuplades apparentees. Les Bushongo. 1911.
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Werner 1906 – Werner A. The Natives of British Central-Africa. London, 1906.
Werner 1933 – Werner A. Myths and Legends of the Bantu. London, 1933.
Westermann 1912 – Westermann D. The Shilluk People. Their Language and Folklore. Philadelphia, Berlin, 1912.
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Westphal 1963 – Westphal E.O.J. The Linguistic Prehistory of Southern Africa: Bush, Kwadi, Hottentot and Bantu Linguistic Relationships // Africa. Vol. XXXIII, 1963.

Указатели сюжетов и мотивов (международные и локальные)

BP – Bolte J. / Polivka G. Anmerkungen zu den Kinder- und Hausmarchen der Bruder Grimm. 5 vols. Hildesheim, 1963.
EM – Enzyklopadie des Marchens. Handworterbuch zur historischen und vergleichenden Erzahlforschung. Berlin, 1975.
KH – Schmidt. S. Katalog der Khoisan-Volkserzahlungen des sudlichen Afrikas / Catalogue of the Khoisan Folktales of Southern Africa. 2 vols. Hamburg, 1989.
Mot. – Thompson St. Motif-Index of Folk Literature. 6 vols. Bloomington–London, 1955–1958.
Type(s) – Aarne A. / Thompson St. The Types of the Folktale. A Classification and Bibliography. FFC 184. Helsinki, 1964.
Uther 2004 – Uther H.J. The Types of International Folktales. A Classification and Bibliography. Based on the System of Antti Aarne and Stith Thompson. FFC 284. Helsinki, 2004.
Левинтон 1985 – Левинтон Г.А. Типологический указатель мотивов // Сказки и мифы эскимосов Сибири, Аляски, Канады и Гренландии. М., 1985. с.560–660.
Arewa 1966 – Arewa E.O. A Classification of the Folktales of the North East African Cattle Area by Types. Ph.D.diss. Berkeley, University of California. 1966.
Clarke 1958 – Clarke K. A Motif-Index of the Folktales of Culture Area V West Africa. Ph.D. diss. Indiana University, 1958.
Haring 1982 – Haring L.Malagasy Tale Index. FFC 231. Helsinki, 1982.
Klipple 1992 – Klipple M.A. African Tales with Foreign Analogues. New York–London, 1992. (Ph.D. diss.: African Folk Tales with Foreign Analogues. Indiana University, 1938).
Lambrecht 1967 – Lambrecht W. A Tale Type Index for Central Africa. Ph.D. diss. University of California, Berkeley, 1967.